Sunday, October 12, 2008

Finally got a Job!!!

Well, after countless months of searching for a job, one finally opened up at Kohl's, a great department store. I'm starting at $8 an hour, but get sweet discounts, so I'm pretty happy. I'm just blessed and very thankful that this job opened up, because times are tough right now and a lot of people are just barely getting by. Now it's only a matter of time before I can finally get a car:). As for school at Paolmar College, it's goin alright. Spanish is my biggest challenge, but Im slowly getting better. My other classes. Power Reading, Geology, and Geography are running a lot smoother. I just registerd to vote last week and am looking forward to voting this November.
Anyway, this is whats been going on recently and I'll try to update more often, but I was just busy recently.